Labor Day in Truckee
Labor Day is a federal holiday celebrated on the first Monday of
September in honor of the contributions workers have made to the
strength, prosperity and well being of America, according to!
- In 2024, the holiday falls on Monday, September 2, 2024
- In 2025, the holiday falls on Monday, September 1, 2025
- In 2026, the holiday falls on Monday, September 7, 2026
- In 2027, the holiday falls on Monday, September 6, 2027
- In 2028, the holiday falls on Monday, September 4, 2028
Check out the Truckee Event Calendar to find out what is going on over the Holiday Weekend! Labor Day in Truckee and Lake Tahoe, typically signifies the closing the Truckee Beaches and Lake Tahoe Beaches and there are lots of parties and events happening!
Photo: West End Beach, at Donner Lake
The following information was written by my sister, Kerry Bacon of Healthy Diet Habits. She has a Science Degree in Dietetics!
Labor Day is traditionally a day of rest, but some other fun facts that you might not know about it are:
- Signifies the unofficial end of summer (boo-hoo). The last day of summer officially in 2024, is September 22nd.
- The last weekend to plan summer trips (Unless your kids are all grown up)
- Party weekend
- Football season starts around this time, unofficially that is
- Airports and highways are super congested
- White clothes are sort of banned from this time on and
winter colors are in (Not such a rule now, but my Grandmother was
really into it)
- Time to put away your straw cowboy hat in favor of a felt one (I am sure this was no surprise)
- Became a federal holiday in 1894, but was first celebrated in 1882 with a parade
- Chosen for September to break up the long gap between July 4th and Thanksgiving holidays
- The holiday is usually celebrated with swimming, camping and picnics.
- Schools usually start after this holiday, although some schools start earlier. (kids booing amid parent’s cheers)
- We copied the idea of Labor Day from Canada
- The first Labor Day rally was held to gain support for the 8 hour workday rather than the 12 hour one

Photo: China Cove Beach, at Donner Memorial State Park at Donner Lake, in Truckee, California
Truckee Shopping
Labor Day is traditionally known as a big shopping day! Many stores have weekend Labor Day Sales, so be sure to check out all of the Truckee Shopping during the weekend! You can plan ahead and get some of your Christmas Shopping done at great prices, or get outfitted for the Truckee Winter Activities!
Healthy Diet Tips for Labor Day
Many of us will celebrate this holiday of no work, with a picnic, party, beach day, Lake Day,
or barbeque with friends and family! The day will be centered on food
because that is how we love to celebrate! We like our tummies full of
awesome foods!
Here are a few ideas to add healthy diet habits to your Labor Day Meals:
- Choose low fat meat choices that are not full of
additives. Hot Dogs are full of all kinds of junk, but there are choices
now that are more conducive to health! Costco, Trader Joe’s, and Whole
Foods offer many nitrate and chemical free choices. Just be sure and
check out the food label, and if something sounds chemically, it is! For Grocery Stores in Truckee, the New Moon Natural Food store might be a great place to look for healthier meats.
- Grill your meat on lower temperatures to limit charring which has been linked to cancer!
- Make meat a side dish and not the main entrée! We are
portion challenged! Hamburgers need not be Costco sized! Choose smaller
100% whole grain buns or just go with the patty!
- Keep Carbs in check! You know the American picnic of
Burger, Potato Salad, Mac Salad, Bun, Chips, Corn, Baked beans and
Dessert is way too Starch filled. Make it your goal to add some new
salads that are veggie and fruit filled. Limit your starch choice to one
or two choices! If you want beans, maybe choose grilled fresh non
starchy veggies rather than corn. If you want Corn, skip the potato and
Mac salad. It is not that hard. Just get out of the same old, same old
- Provide lower calorie choices for desserts! I hate it
when I go to a picnic and there is the Costco chocolate cake (you know
the giant one) that I know has over 900 calories for a small slice! Your
friends will not miss that. Find a great lower calorie fruit filled
recipe or maybe a fruity home-made sorbet!
- Keep appetizers and dips to a minimum! They are so
caloric! Many people eat a day’s worth of calories before the meal
begins! Provide a huge veggie platter with a lower calorie dip!
- Change your mindset! Healthy never means boring! Most
of my favorite salads are healthy and loved by everyone! I can hardly
eat the gloppy potato salad anymore! Get educated!
- Add Veggies in everywhere!!!
Sample Menu Plan for Labor Day
- Meat and Veggie Skewers: Add a selection of meats and fresh produce!
Encourage your guests to skewer what they love and barbeque away! Get
creative! Use chopped meats, fresh pineapple, different colored peppers,
tomatoes, onions, zucchini, eggplant, different squashes, peaches,
Brussels sprouts, asparagus, your choices!
- Quinoa, Brown Rice, or really great crusty Artisan bread! Pick two if you have a large group!
- Chopped Veggie Salad with vinaigrette (Leave out the noodle types because you already picked your starches)
- Chopped fruit salad or fruit platter (For some tips on how to make a great Produce Tray with Fruits & Veggies - see my Produce Tray page on my Holidays and Observances website!)
- Sorbet
The Truckee Farmer's Market is still going on at this time of year, so pick up some fresh organic fruits and vegetables for your Labor Day Meal!!
This would be a very simple, delicious meal that would not leave
people thinking "Oh, I hate going to their house because they are health
nuts!" It would be healthy and keep your plate half full of produce,
which is a great lifestyle solution for weight control! The Skewers
would be fun for everyone, especially kids!
That is what Labor Day is all about! Having Fun, before summer
ends, school begins, and we happily trudge back to work on Tuesday,
after watching our favorite NFL team that is!!!
Photo Above: Lake Tahoe, California - West Shore
Happy Labor Day to all!
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