Lake Tahoe Earthquake Faults

Yes, it is true....there are some Lake Tahoe Earthquake Faults! While the Truckee and Tahoe area appear to be paradise, there are some potential dangers like earthquakes and forest fires to live with, and it pays to be prepared with a family emergency preparedness plan.

While not strictly a video about Tahoe Earthquakes, the video below by Steven McQuinn, that is produced by the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center, (TERC) in Incline Village gives a fascinating history of the Lake Tahoe Geology and a great visual of the three fault lines in the Lake Tahoe basin.

Lake Tahoe In Depth 2D 960x720 from Steven McQuinn on Vimeo.

The video is long - over 15 minutes, but I thought it was very good, and it was great to be able to follow along and recognize the scenery around the Lake.

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