New Years Resolutions

New Years tradition that are commitments that are made to accomplish personal goals, projects, or reform or change a habit in the upcoming year.

They are never about balance. They are about coming up with outrageous, unachievable action items for the year! They are not based on reality, which is why they most often fail, but they give us a sense of well being for a short period of time! Just to make a resolution without a clear cut action plan to make it happen during the year, is not enough!

I must admit that I do make them. I'm an organizational freak, and I think that it is important to make goals in different areas of your life. New Years Day is the start to a new year, and is a day that makes sense to look at where you have been, and look at where you want to go.

New Years Resolution Tips

Top 10 New Years Resolutions:

The same top 10 resolutions show up almost every year, because they are so difficult to keep! Each year, we try over and over again to succeed!

  • Lose weight - check out my sister Kerry's website, Healthy Diet Habits, for lots of practical tips!

  • Get Fit

  • Quit Smoking

  • Learn Something New

  • Get out of Debt

  • Spend more time with Family

  • Help People - This is a great goal! If you live in Truckee, please check out my Truckee Non Profit Organizations. Find something that touches your heart, and just jump in and get involved!

  • Quit Drinking

  • Get Organized

  • Enjoy Life More

Top 10 Broken New Years Resolutions

The Top 10 Broken New Year’s Resolutions According to Time Magazine:

  • Lose Weight and Get Fit

  • Quit Smoking

  • Learn Something New

  • Eat Healthier and Diet

  • Get out of Debt and Save Money

  • Spend More Time with Family

  • Travel to New Places

  • Be Less Stressed

  • Volunteer

  • Drink Less


One of my favorite quotes, is:

The definition of Insanity is.....
Doing the same thing that you did last year, but expecting different results!

So, if you ended up with your resolutions that you made last year on both of the lists above, then you need to do something different to make sure that you are successful with them this year! Read through the section below for some practical tips.


Tips to Accomplish Your Resolutions

One of the reasons that Resolutions fail is that they are just too general and vague, and not specific enough. Like the resolution, "Get Organized"....What does that mean? Get Organized How? In Your Personal Life, In Your Business Life, Organize Your Home? Organize Your Meal Planning? This is just too broad and vague, so how do you measure your success?

Often resolutions, are just stated commitments, without any follow through to reach the goal. You need a detailed action plan, and some follow through to make them happen. Here are some tips:

  • Shoot for smaller goals that you might be able to accomplish! Instead of saying, "I'm going to get out of debt this year" ....make it specific, by setting an amount that you want to reduce your debt, or certain bills that you want to pay off. Then come up with an action plan of ways to accomplish your goals. You should set an annual amount that you want to reduce your debt, then break it down to a monthly goal, and even a weekly goal. To reduce debt, you either have to increase your income, or reduce your expenses. If you know that you won't be getting a pay raise, or a promotion during the year, then you might have things that you own that could be sold to pay down debt. If you don't, then look at your existing expenses, and look at ways you can reduce your discretionary bills and use that saved money to reduce debt. It is often the many small things and indulgences that add up.
  • Apply the concept above to all of your resolutions or goals that you want to accomplish each year. Come up with a measurable, clear, step by step plan to achieve each of your resolutions.
  • Write down your resolution along with specific goals and an action plan to accomplish your goals by the end of the year. It is a proven fact that writing things down helps! Your New Years Resolution, is just your starting place!
  • Don't procrastinate - just get started!
  • Revisit your progress for each of your resolutions, at the end of each month, weekly, or even daily, to keep on track with your end of year goals. Each day is a new day, so if you blew it on some area, just get back up and keep going!
  • Modify your action plan as needed throughout the year. Acknowledge your successes along the way!
  • Find a like minded friend to become accountable with. If you are struggling to exercise for example, start a walking group with some friends, or join a meet-up group!

With a Resolution in place with specific goals written down, and a step by step plan to accomplish them, and with some follow through on a regular basis, you can achieve success!!

Many Happy Resolutions to All from Truckee Travel Guide!

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Photo Credit: Jeff Engerbretson